The Glover Review Update


In May 2018 the Government asked for an independent review into whether the protections for National Parks and AONBs are still fit for purpose. In particular, what might be done better, what changes will help and whether the definitions and systems in place are still valid.

The review’s final report was published on 21 September 2019.

The Government have now responded to that review. Implementing some aspects of the Government’s response to the review will require changes to legislation, subject to securing parliamentary time.

The Government are seeking public views on support for these proposed legislative changes, and their potential effects on different groups and interests. They are also interested to hear any wider views on other aspects of their response to the review.

Your Committee will be responding to the Governments response.  Should you want to contribute please send your comments to by the 28th of March.

the response

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@realnewforest 4h

Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.

@realnewforest 4h

Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.

@realnewforest 4h

Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.

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