Environmental Land Management Scheme



This page is a chance for us to share information with our members on the work we are undertaking to ensure a smooth transition from the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) to the Environmental Land Management scheme (ELM).

Not only are Commoners BPS payments being reduced but the New Forest Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) scheme which provides funding for pound maintenance, reflective collars, grants for holding improvements, subsidised trailer towing lessons and much more will also come to and end. For information on the HLS scheme click HERE

We hope to see a scheme that promotes a sustainable and robust commoning system, which will allow current and future generations of commoners to continue their vocation in a manner that ensures they continue to deliver the vast array of public goods they currently do. To view the Natural Capital Report click HERE

Please view the NFCDA Principles regarding ELMS

Forest Farming Group

The Group and its Aims

The NCDA is an active member of the Forest Farming Group (FFG), a group whose primary objective is to secure the best possible Environmental Land Management Scheme for the common land of the New Forest. Working with our partners we participate in government consultations and seek to influence policy to ensure we can get the best possible scheme for us and the Forest. The FFG’s Terms of Reference can be found HERE

The Forest Farming Group (FFG) comprises of the below members;

Verderers of the New Forest, New Forest National Park Authority (NFNPA), New Forest Commoners’ Defence Association (NFCDA), Natural England (NE), Forestry England (FE), National Trust (NT), National Farmers Union (NFU).

All members are working together closely in designing a ‘joined up’, landscape-scale land management scheme over the New Forest’s common land.

The FFG believe that it is critical that any future land management scheme fulfils the following:

  • Is bespoke and flexible in its nature.
  • Protects and supports a sustainable and robust commoning system with the highest standards of welfare.
  • Supports enhanced management of a growing pressure from recreation.
  • Allows informed habitat restoration and management which enhances biodiversity and sequesters and stores carbon.
  • Delivers enhancements in water quality across the catchment.
  • Facilitates educational engagement.
  • Protects and enhances the New Forest’s historic environment and landscape character.

“Vision Document”

The NFCDA have been working with our partners in the Forest Farming Group to produce a vision document in relation to what a future land management scheme should seek to deliver in the New Forest. The document includes some of the key messages that we wish to make to get across to those involved with the development of emerging schemes.

The vision document captures the shared priorities and objectives of the Group’s members. The NFCDA believes that commoning must be at the heart of any future land management scheme in the New Forest, as a thriving commoning system is the foundation for a landscape that can continue to host a rich biodiversity of plants and animals, maintain healthy freshwater habitats and can be resilient towards climate change.

The document can be found here FFG ELMS VISION

What we have achieved so far




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@realnewforest 4h

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