December New Forest CDA update from Andrew Parry-Norton


Andrew Parry-Norton discussed his views on recent meetings with the Forest Farming Group (FFG) and National Farmers’ Union (NFU) in his latest video update for New Forest commoners.

Andrew, who is Chair of the New Forest CDA, also talked about what the future holds for commoners in the Forest, why insuring livestock is so important, plus the latest on bridges and the proposed new cycle routes amid talks with Foresty England.

Watch the update in full by clicking on the link below.

Andrew Parry-Norton’s December update

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@realnewforest 4h

Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.

@realnewforest 4h

Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.

@realnewforest 4h

Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.

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