Up until 2005 subsidies were related to agricultural production, in the case of cattle this was paid through Suckler Cow Premium and Beef Special Premium for example, as a headage payment, and was not related to the land of the New Forest. When the Single Payment Scheme was introduced the aim was to de couple payments from production and in the case of the New Forest future payments were to be based on a reference period and related to the number of marking fees paid by a claimant in the 12 months prior to March 2005. From this an allocation of land area was awarded to commoners and payments changed from being based on historic production to a flat rate area payment over eight years. This was the basis for payments to commoners till 2015 when SPS was superseded by the Basic Payment Scheme.
During 2014 and early 2015 we held a series of meetings with Defra and RPA representatives to discuss how BPS would work in the New Forest. We looked at a number of options including establishing a new, more recent reference period. These options were rejected by Defra because they would not reflect contemporary use of the common grazing in future years and that this was a requirement. For that reason BPS payments to commoners have been linked to the number of marking fees paid during the previous calendar year since 2015.
As a result of a legal challenge which argues that the current system has created a headage based payment, which is not allowed, Defra are reviewing the way in which payments will be made until the planned end of BPS in 2027. The method used since 2015 has also resulted in increases to the number of marking fees paid and the number of animals depastured.
RPA Consultation
The RPA are consulting interested parties in the New Forest on the future of the Basic Payment Scheme and the way in which payments are made to commoners for the common land of the New Forest. The CDA hopes to work with the Verderers and other interested parties to form responses which are satisfactory for all. In addition to a CDA response it is also possible or individuals to make their own and they are encouraged to do so as there are important points to be considered. The RPA propose holding information sessions in whatever form the current restrictions will allow and these will be notified to us in due course.
Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.
Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.
Icilibus sam quas aut eriatem nume corepta auta conet officaborem quodi corepta auta conet officaborem quodi apernat ectlpa dolorpiaecus.